Pet Safe Lawn Care Services

Louisville Pet Safe Lawn Care

Our Louisville pet safe lawn care is effective at creating beautiful lawns while keeping your family safe. We provide services in Oxmoor, St Matthews, Crescent Hill, Highlands and surrounding neighborhoods.

There is a large amount of information out there that lawn chemicals are harmful to pets, humans and wildlife.  From conventional weed killers to toxic insecticides, it all can make your dog sick. Dogs tend to be the pets that come into contact the most with harmful lawn pesticides, but other outdoor-loving pets are just as susceptible to negative health risks. All evidence, from studies or pet owners, say that lawn pesticides and pets just don’t mix.

pet safe lawn care servicesNegative Effect Of Pesticides On Pets

study published in 2013 showed that herbicides can be detected in a dog’s urine after a lawn treatment. This proves that the chemicals make their way into pets’ systems after they are applied on the lawn. In addition, the study explains why exposure to herbicide-treated lawns is known to be associated with higher bladder cancer risk in dogs.

If you have pets, it’s important to keep the toxicity of pesticides in mind when making a choice about lawn care services. Dogs are particularly susceptible to the effects of lawn pesticides because they going outside often. Most dogs spend hours laying, playing, and rolling on the lawn. Dogs are directly exposed to the chemicals on the lawn, and can even ingest those chemicals by licking their skin or paws.


Lawn Chemicals Get Inside Your Home

Your pets are exposing you and your family to these toxic chemicals, as well. Even if you and your kids are staying off the lawn for days after it’s treated, your dog still brings pesticides into the house. Similarly, if you sit or lay in an area where he has been, you are being exposed to the pesticides that were sprayed on your lawn.

In addition, lawn pesticides easily disperse through your home even without a pet tracking them in. A 2001 study showed that a week after lawn treatment, 2,4-D was detected on all indoor surfaces. The study also found that children were up to 10 times more likely to be exposed to this harmful pesticide in the week following treatment than they are before treatment. Even if your pets and children avoid contact with a chemically treated lawn, you could be exposed through chemical drift.

Unlike synthetic lawn treatments, organic treatments focus on the health of the soil. Healthy soil is encouraged with high-quality organic treatments that feed the soil and create healthy plants. Unfortunately, not all organic lawn products are equal. Clean Air Lawn Care organic lawn products are custom-created in-house to address common mineral, enzyme and microbiota deficiencies commonly found in the soil of grass lawns.